Zaujal ma tento príbeh, o ktorom sa dočítate tu: Jedna nameraná rýchlosť [...] Read more
Let's have a story about wind generator improvements
Standard concept of wind generator is based on this reel: Looks like: Seeing moved energy from vent to vent. The radius of vents is similar. Now look at [...] Read more
Is in fact this picture correct for quantum theory? Lets invent some story to tell:
if L=I/S intensity:area and force:(currentmagnetism Blength)=sin(a) and force is kQ1Q2/rr then area is intensity:brightnessforce=kQ1Q2 then force=kQ1Q2brightness/intensity; then [...] Read more
Do 3 types of space define worm hole shortcut? Computation:
Interesting: r^3-z^3=x^2+y^2=x+y+z where x^2+y^2=x+y+1; x(x-1)=y(1-y)+1 where -x/y=(1-y)/(x-1)+2x/x-y/y and (y-x)/y=(1-y)/(x-1)+2 and (y-x)/y-1=(y-1)/(1-x)+1 proving [x,y]=[1,1] for -1==1 and which [...] Read more
Čo prúdi dovnútra, ak vesmír expanduje?
Keď som videl tento obrázok od fyzikov a ich otázku: Čo prúdi dovnútra sústavy, ak vesmír expanduje? Napadlo ma jednoduché riešenie: Vesmír okrem toho ešte rotuje okolo zvislej osi. Čo [...] Read more
Hmm.. Paní má IQ 228 a ja dokážem, že je to tak :) Alebo to bude len príbeh? ;)
Tento problém je v matematike popisovaný ako problém ťahu. Majme teda tri zakryté kartičky a pod nimi dve kozy a auto. Ako by sme teda dokázali, že ak vytiahnem kozu, oplatí sa ešte ťahať [...] Read more
Today we were given this question: What is wrong on this picture:
What is wrong on this picture? You can think as long as you want to :) Look at this image. There are two pictures. What is wrong with those two pictures? Saying 'everything' isn't an answer. I'm only [...] Read more
Pojednanie o vrypoch na karosérií a znížení trenia automobilu a jeho spotrebe Zamysleli ste sa už niekedy nad tým, prečo má golfová loptička na svojom tele vrypy? A uvažovali ste už niekedy, že sú to vlastne časti menšej [...] Read more
Ták sa to podarilo: Autoškola 8 už beží aj ako Rust Axum server aplikácia
Je to tam priatelia, podarilo sa mi upraviť vue3js kód pre Axum server v jazyku Rust, hotový elf aj exe pre Linux aj Windows stiahnete tu: [...] Read more
Can we discuss this? What about your opinion?
well nice but why not to say immediately 1-cos^2-cos^4 is 1-cos^2(1-cos^2) which is 1-sin^2cos^2 and *4 is 4-sin^2(2a); 2a max can be only 1^2 for 2x45 and (b) 3<=A<=4 is the solution ;) coz [...] Read more