if L=I/S intensity:area and force:(currentmagnetism Blength)=sin(a) and force is kQ1Q2/rr then area is intensity:brightnessforce=kQ1Q2 then force=kQ1Q2brightness/intensity; then BILsin(a)=kQ1Q2brightness/intensity; then C^2U^2=C^2I^2R^2; kC^2IR^2=BLsin(a); B=F/Qv; sin(a):vec v is as n1/sin(o2) in snell's law, then we are getting contraction of length for quantum wave function, lets continue via triangles law b/a=sin(b)/sin(a) which is the same eqn as similarity of snell b/a*n1=sin(o2), which means our future wave function for quanta would preserve contraction from Albert.. We can not bypass relativity in quantum theory. So this picture should look like: And what else proves my computations? Eg perpetuum mobile, signal shrinks, what else? Doppler effect == ambulance aid sirene running towards you shrinking sound waves? What else? Einstein and length contraction? Quanta cat is a shrinked cat in my opinion ;) Oh and the recommendation for critiques saying it is prolonged: Are flying from water to air or from air to water? :D Ah kyborg 1 minds are tellin me: From water shrinked. I'm answering yes it is planet's denser gas pack towards universe's vacuum..
Comments “Is in fact this picture correct for quantum theory? Lets invent some story to tell:”