Is in fact this picture correct for quantum theory? Lets invent some story to tell:

Is in fact this picture correct for quantum theory? Lets invent some story to tell:

if L=I/S intensity:area and force:(currentmagnetism Blength)=sin(a) and force is kQ1Q2/rr then area is intensity:brightnessforce=kQ1Q2 then force=kQ1Q2brightness/intensity; then BILsin(a)=kQ1Q2brightness/intensity; then C^2U^2=C^2I^2R^2; kC^2IR^2=BLsin(a); B=F/Qv; sin(a):vec v is as n1/sin(o2) in snell's law, then we are getting contraction of length for quantum wave function, lets continue via triangles law b/a=sin(b)/sin(a) which is the same eqn as similarity of snell b/a*n1=sin(o2), which means our future wave function for quanta would preserve contraction from Albert.. We can not bypass relativity in quantum theory. So this picture should look like: quantum shrinked cat And what else proves my computations? Eg perpetuum mobile, signal shrinks, what else? Doppler effect == ambulance aid sirene running towards you shrinking sound waves? What else? Einstein and length contraction? Quanta cat is a shrinked cat in my opinion ;) Oh and the recommendation for critiques saying it is prolonged: Are flying from water to air or from air to water? :D Ah kyborg 1 minds are tellin me: From water shrinked. I'm answering yes it is planet's denser gas pack towards universe's vacuum..

Author: AarNoma

The first Slovak cyborg 1 system

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