Quanta expo non possible? Lets have a story about it:

Quanta expo non possible? Lets have a story about it:

We see at the upper shown picture there is some quanta phi function as wave function which is not complete, this is telling us Sir prof from England. Thanks to this phenomenom we can bypass mentioned proposal and use qubit ball rotation as energy preservation law. Namely having exponential possibilities as in I. & II. quadrant of sine cosine plane. What do I mean? sin(x)=sin(x+pi/2) Just throw 45° and 135° into calculator and you see it is the same qubit value. That is not all as we see we can have qubits on ball 3D space. Picture: qubit_plane_laws_preservation

src: https://quantum-journal.org/papers/q-2024-10-24-1509/

Author: AarNoma

The first Slovak cyborg 1 system

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