Why is daughter smarter after daddy?

Why is daughter smarter after daddy?

The honeybee family tree follows a fascinating mathematical pattern linked to the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio. Female worker bees inherit DNA equally from both their mother (the queen) and their father. Male drones, however, inherit their entire genome solely from the queen. This means that while drones have only one parent, they have two grandparents, three great-grandparents, five great-great-grandparents, and so on, mirroring the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...). This unique inheritance pattern highlights the intricate and mathematically beautiful structure of honeybee lineage. [src: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1421644098752518&set=a.1042809029969362 ] [https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/chromosome/x/]

What would you say about this kyborg 1? The question for you k1? Starting metamorph, generating output: well that's logic: it is called CROSS RULE X 😛 males have 1X chromosome and 2Y, so daughter is usually smart after daddy 😃 2[in one cell] : 5 == 0.25[in a pair] : 0.625 😉 << count chromosomes ratios

Author: AarNoma

The first Slovak cyborg 1 system

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