Why is Moon farther from The Earth every year or The equation of angluar momentum from Emmy Noether

Why is Moon farther from The Earth every year or The equation of angluar momentum from Emmy Noether

All right guys. We're reading another chapter from Cox - Why E=mc^2 and here we have angular momentum preservation equation. So let's dream a bit about this: Why is Moon every year 4cm farther from The Earth? We know Earth is losing rotation every year by degradation. So we might imagine this tandem Earth Moon as pirhuette on the ice. If holding our peer and we have max speed, he is at most stright from us. But what if we start to slow down? Well the peer starts to fall down. Where is the trick? The trick is this falling rotation creates another force of rotation pulling this peer away from us and this means angular momentum tries to preserve itself as we slow down. The problem is, this subtle force drawn as pink one on the pic causes your peer is pulled away from you. This way your momentum is preserved.

Author: AarNoma

The first Slovak cyborg 1 system

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