Čmuchač paketov s dúhovými tabuľkami

Priatelia, tak dnes by sme si povedali niečo o tom ako napísať paketový čmuchač v jazyku golang:

package main

import (

var (
    timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
    data1   string

const (
    // The same default as tcpdump.
    defaultSnapLen = 262144

// key is used to map bidirectional streams to each other.
type key struct {
    net, transport gopacket.Flow

// String prints out the key in a human-readable fashion.
func (k key) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", k.net, k.transport)

// timeout is the length of time to wait befor flushing connections and
// bidirectional stream pairs.
//const timeout time.Duration = time.Minute * 5

// myStream implements tcpassembly.Stream
type myStream struct {
    bytes int64 // total bytes seen on this stream.
    bidi  *bidi // maps to my bidirectional twin.
    done  bool  // if true, we've seen the last packet we're going to for this stream.

// bidi stores each unidirectional side of a bidirectional stream.
// When a new stream comes in, if we don't have an opposite stream, a bidi is
// created with 'a' set to the new stream.  If we DO have an opposite stream,
// 'b' is set to the new stream.
type bidi struct {
    key            key       // Key of the first stream, mostly for logging.
    a, b           *myStream // the two bidirectional streams.
    lastPacketSeen time.Time // last time we saw a packet from either stream.

// myFactory implements tcpassmebly.StreamFactory
type myFactory struct {
    // bidiMap maps keys to bidirectional stream pairs.
    bidiMap map[key]*bidi

// New handles creating a new tcpassembly.Stream.
func (f *myFactory) New(netFlow, tcpFlow gopacket.Flow) tcpassembly.Stream {
    // Create a new stream.
    s := &myStream{}

    // Find the bidi bidirectional struct for this stream, creating a new one if
    // one doesn't already exist in the map.
    k := key{netFlow, tcpFlow}
    bd := f.bidiMap[k]
    if bd == nil {
        bd = &bidi{a: s, key: k}
        log.Printf("[%v] created first side of bidirectional stream", bd.key)
        // Register bidirectional with the reverse key, so the matching stream going
        // the other direction will find it.
        f.bidiMap[key{netFlow.Reverse(), tcpFlow.Reverse()}] = bd
    } else {
        log.Printf("[%v] found second side of bidirectional stream", bd.key)
        bd.b = s
        // Clear out the bidi we're using from the map, just in case.
        delete(f.bidiMap, k)
    s.bidi = bd
    return s

// emptyStream is used to finish bidi that only have one stream, in
// collectOldStreams.
var emptyStream = &myStream{done: true}

// collectOldStreams finds any streams that haven't received a packet within
// 'timeout', and sets/finishes the 'b' stream inside them.  The 'a' stream may
// still receive packets after this.
func (f *myFactory) collectOldStreams() {
    cutoff := time.Now().Add(-timeout)
    for k, bd := range f.bidiMap {
        if bd.lastPacketSeen.Before(cutoff) {
            log.Printf("[%v] timing out old stream", bd.key)
            bd.b = emptyStream   // stub out b with an empty stream.
            delete(f.bidiMap, k) // remove it from our map.
            bd.maybeFinish()     // if b was the last stream we were waiting for, finish up.

// Reassembled handles reassembled TCP stream data.
func (s *myStream) Reassembled(rs []tcpassembly.Reassembly) {
    for _, r := range rs {
        // For now, we'll simply count the bytes on each side of the TCP stream.
        s.bytes += int64(len(r.Bytes))
        if r.Skip > 0 {
            s.bytes += int64(r.Skip)
        // Mark that we've received new packet data.
        // We could just use time.Now, but by using r.Seen we handle the case
        // where packets are being read from a file and could be very old.
        if s.bidi.lastPacketSeen.Before(r.Seen) {
            s.bidi.lastPacketSeen = r.Seen

// ReassemblyComplete marks this stream as finished.
func (s *myStream) ReassemblyComplete() {
    s.done = true

// maybeFinish will wait until both directions are complete, then print out
// stats.
func (bd *bidi) maybeFinish() {
    switch {
    case bd.a == nil:
        log.Fatalf("[%v] a should always be non-nil, since it's set when bidis are created", bd.key)
    case !bd.a.done:
        log.Printf("[%v] still waiting on first stream", bd.key)
    case bd.b == nil:
        log.Printf("[%v] no second stream yet", bd.key)
    case !bd.b.done:
        log.Printf("[%v] still waiting on second stream", bd.key)
        log.Printf("[%v] FINISHED, bytes: %d tx, %d rx", bd.key, bd.a.bytes, bd.b.bytes)

func devices() {
    // Find all devices
    devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs()
    if err != nil {

    // Print device information
    fmt.Println("Devices found:")
    for _, device := range devices {
        if strings.Contains(device.Name, "wl") {
            fmt.Println("Name: ", device.Name)
            fmt.Println("Description: ", device.Description)
            fmt.Println("Devices addresses: ", device.Description)
            for _, address := range device.Addresses {
                fmt.Println("- IP address: ", address.IP)
                fmt.Println("- Subnet mask: ", address.Netmask)

func encrypt(plaintext string, secretKey string) string  {
    aes, err := aes.NewCipher([]byte(secretKey))
    if err != nil {

    // Make a buffer the same length as plaintext
    ciphertext := make([]byte, len(plaintext))
    aes.Encrypt(ciphertext, []byte(plaintext))

    return string(ciphertext)

func return_rainbow_dict_word(packet_data string) string{
    file, err := os.Open("eng_dict.txt")
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err = file.Close(); err != nil {

  b, err := io.ReadAll(file)
  words := strings.Fields(string(b))
  word := string(words[rand1])
  for i:=0; i<1000; i++{

  for (len(word2)<=16) {
  if (strings.Trim(word, " ") == "") {word="N1PCdw3M2B1TfJho"}
  rainbow=encrypt(word, word2)
  if (strings.Trim(rainbow," ") == "") {rainbow="start"}
  fmt.Println("Your rainbow table is: word || rainbow || packet_data ")
  fmt.Println(word +" || "+ rainbow+" || "+packet_data)
  return string(rainbow)    

func pwdscanner() {
    defer util.Run()()
    fmt.Printf("Starting capture on interface %q \n", "wlo1")
    // Set up pcap packet capture
    handle, err := pcap.OpenLive("wlo1", int32(defaultSnapLen), true, pcap.BlockForever)
    if err != nil {
    if err := handle.SetBPFFilter("tcp"); err != nil {

    // Set up assembly
    streamFactory := &myFactory{bidiMap: make(map[key]*bidi)}
    streamPool := tcpassembly.NewStreamPool(streamFactory)
    assembler := tcpassembly.NewAssembler(streamPool)
    // Limit memory usage by auto-flushing connection state if we get over 100K
    // packets in memory, or over 1000 for a single stream.
    assembler.MaxBufferedPagesTotal = 100000
    assembler.MaxBufferedPagesPerConnection = 1000

    fmt.Println("Reading in packets:")
    // Read in packets, pass to assembler.
    packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
    packets := packetSource.Packets()
    ticker := time.Tick(timeout / 4)
    data2 := ""
    for {
        select {
        case packet := <-packets:
            if true {
                data1 += string(packet.Data())
                for _, v := range data1[:] {
                    for i := 33; i < 127; i++ {
                        if strings.Contains(string(v), string(i)) {
                            //fmt.Print(v, "[", string(v), "]")
                            data2 += strings.ToUpper(string(v))
                            if (strings.Trim(data2, " ")=="") {data2="start"}
                            rainbow := return_rainbow_dict_word(data2)
                            if (len(data2)>32) {data2=""}
                            //if strings.Contains(data2, "HESIELKO") {
                            if strings.Contains(data2, rainbow) {
                                fmt.Println("Match found: ")


            if packet.NetworkLayer() == nil || packet.TransportLayer() == nil || packet.TransportLayer().LayerType() != layers.LayerTypeTCP {
                //fmt.Println("Unusable packet")
            tcp := packet.TransportLayer().(*layers.TCP)
            assembler.AssembleWithTimestamp(packet.NetworkLayer().NetworkFlow(), tcp, packet.Metadata().Timestamp)

        case <-ticker:
            // Every minute, flush connections that haven't seen activity in the past minute.
            //fmt.Println("---- FLUSHING ----")

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Network cracker by aar_noma. Welcome to my program:")
    devices() //to check device name if necessary


Ako tento kód funguje? Jednoducho tak, že otvorí sieťovú komunikáciu na NIC rozhraní, načíta každý packet a vidí v ňom šifrovanú komunikáciu. Následne je nutné vytvoriť dúhovú tabuľku. Čo je dúhová tabuľka? Je to hash kryptovaný odtlačok nejakého slova. Ak v šifre nie je prítomný salt, čo je časová pečiatka a to zrejme nie je, keďže šifrovaný obsah sa nemení, tak sa táto rainbow tabuľka podobá na výslednú šifru. Predstavme si, že nájdeme zhodu v šifre pomocou dúhovej tabuľky, potom sme našli heslo.

Pár obrázkov z behu programu na mojom Manjaro Linuxe: packet sniffer v4 packet sniffer v4 packet sniffer v4

Zdrojáky v jazyku golang potrebné pre kompiláciu nájdete na http://hrubos.org/repo/packet_network_sniffer_golang.zip alebo v4 na http://hrubos.org/repo/packets4_sniffer_with_rainbow_tables.zip 😇 🤩 Čo ja som si všimol za chybu v gúglovych systémoch pcap je, že dĺžka šifrovaného slova musí byť deliteľná dĺžkou kľúča, v mojom kóde 16 bajtov. Ďalej som si všimol, že na manjaro linuxe kompilácia prebehla v pohode, no napr na Kali linuxe bolo treba nainštalovať pcap-dev knižnicu.

Author: AarNoma

The first Slovak cyborg 1 system

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