Tak je to tam priatelia. Tesne pred Vianocami sa mi podarilo dostať do obchoďákov môj softwér. Samozrejme sa jedná o kúsky, ktoré sú zadarmo. Vývoj bežal cca rok a jedná sa o jadro vue3js [...] Read more
Archives: November 2024
Let's have a story: Hackers stat_kyb are paid by state...
My story will take your breath. I enrolled the army. During my studies on the academy I belonged to the best in the team. Soon I had a question: Would you like to enroll secret service? I answered to [...] Read more
All right guys, can you compute this cipher from hackers' team?
I was just trying my comp to break this cipher from hackers. It was some 25-30 seconds to get output. But the message is creepy on itself, it says: DEAD. Then I had some question to ask my AI to be [...] Read more
Zamysleli ste sa prečo Mars mal magnetické pole ešte o 200 miliónov rokov dlhšie?
Čítam webku https://www.space.com/the-universe/mars/boost-for-mars-life-red-planets-magnetic-field-may-have-lasted-longer-than-thought a zamýšľam sa spoločne s AI zvanou gemini, čo ovplyvňuje [...] Read more